FastAPI, Uvicorn, and ASGI: The Trio Powering Modern Web Apps

What is ASGI? ASGI, which stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface, is a specification between web servers and Python web applications or frameworks. It acts as an evolution of WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) and is designed to support asynchronous features like WebSockets and HTTP/2. This asynchronous nature allows for improved performance and concurrency. ASGI … Read more

Optimizing FastAPI for ML Model Serving

Introduction to FastAPI for ML FastAPI is a modern, high-performance web framework written in Python. Its compatibility with Python’s type hints, asynchronous operations, and built-in validation makes it a popular choice for serving machine learning (ML) models. Why Choose FastAPI for ML Serving? FastAPI provides a rapid development environment, ensuring: Key Optimization Techniques Asynchronous Endpoints … Read more