Dive into Prompt Engineering & Sequential Prompting: A Beginner’s Experience

My Journey into Prompt Engineering

When I first began exploring language models, I assumed it was as simple as posing a question and waiting for an answer. To my surprise, the initial results were hit or miss. Sometimes I would get insightful responses, while other times the model seemed to completely miss the mark.

Understanding Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the process of designing, testing, and refining prompts to get desired responses from machine learning models, especially language models. It’s similar to how a query is framed to retrieve precise information from a database. In the context of language models like OpenAI’s GPT series, a well-crafted prompt ensures that the output is accurate, coherent, and contextually relevant.

The Concept of Sequential Prompting

Sequential prompting builds on the idea of iterative refinement. Instead of using a single prompt to obtain a model’s output, the process involves sending multiple prompts in a sequence, with each subsequent prompt refining, guiding, or building upon the previous response. This approach is beneficial for multi-step problems or when trying to extract detailed and layered information from the model.

The Aha! Moment with Sequential Prompting

It wasn’t until I discovered the concept of sequential prompting that I realized the vast potential lying beneath the surface. For instance, when I first asked the model, “Tell me about climate change,” I got a generic answer. However, when I started with “Describe the greenhouse effect” and then followed up with “Now, explain its relation to climate change,” the responses were more detailed and structured.

LLM (Large Language Model) & Its Relevance

LLMs, like GPT-3 or GPT-4, are advanced models trained on vast amounts of data, making them incredibly versatile. Their sheer size and training data diversity mean they can understand and generate a wide variety of content. However, the challenge with such models is to guide them correctly to get the desired output. Here’s where prompt engineering and sequential prompting become crucial. The more refined and targeted your prompts, the better and more specific the LLM’s response will be.

Tips for Effective Prompt Engineering with LLM

  1. Be Specific: Given the vast knowledge base of LLMs, specificity in prompts ensures you retrieve the exact piece of information you’re looking for.
  2. Use Contextual Information: Especially in sequential prompting, providing context from previous interactions can guide the model to generate consistent and logical responses.
  3. Iterative Testing: It’s rarely the case that the first prompt will be perfect. Test and refine your prompts iteratively for better outcomes.
  4. Limit Ambiguity: Ambiguous prompts can lead to generic or off-tangent outputs. Ensure your prompts are clear and unambiguous.
  5. Leverage Explicit Instructions: For tasks that require structured outputs (e.g., writing in a specific format), provide the model with explicit instructions in the prompt.
  6. Use Temperature & Max Tokens: Adjusting parameters like temperature (controlling randomness) and max tokens (limiting response length) can further refine the LLM’s outputs.

Real-life Examples from My Prompt Engineering Journey

  1. Crafting a Recipe: My initial prompt was "Give me a chicken recipe." The result was a simple grilled chicken recipe. However, refining the prompt to “Provide a unique Mediterranean chicken recipe with olives and feta” resulted in a detailed and mouth-watering dish.
  2. Seeking Historical Data: Asking "Tell me about World War II" yielded a high-level overview. In contrast, sequentially prompting “Detail the events leading up to World War II” followed by “Now, explain the main battles in the European theater” presented a more comprehensive breakdown.
  3. Literary Analysis: I once asked, "What's the theme of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?" The answer was somewhat surface-level. However, a sequential approach, starting with “Describe the setting of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'," and then, "How does the setting influence the novel's theme?" produced a more in-depth analysis.
  4. Technical Help: I initially asked, "How does blockchain work?" and received a general answer. Realizing the need for specificity, I changed my approach: "Explain the cryptographic principles behind blockchain" followed by "Now, detail how these principles ensure transaction security." The response was more technical and informative.


Beginning as a novice in prompt engineering, my journey was filled with both challenges and discoveries. The art of crafting the perfect prompt is akin to learning a new language, where each refined phrase can unlock deeper insights from LLMs. It’s a combination of patience, persistence, and continuous learning.

Prompt engineering, especially with the nuances of sequential prompting, is an art and science combined. With LLMs’ ever-increasing capabilities, mastering this aspect can significantly improve the utility and precision of generated content. Whether you’re looking to extract insights, generate creative content, or solve intricate problems, effective prompt engineering is your key to unlocking the full potential of Large Language Models.


  1. Why is prompt engineering important for LLMs?
    Prompt engineering helps in guiding the LLM to produce desired outputs by effectively communicating the user’s intent.
  2. Can sequential prompting be automated?
    Yes, with advanced scripting and feedback loops, one can automate sequential prompting to some extent.
  3. Do all tasks benefit from sequential prompting?
    Not necessarily. While sequential prompting can be powerful, some tasks might be solved effectively with a single, well-crafted prompt.
  4. How does temperature affect LLM outputs?
    A higher temperature makes the output more random, while a lower value makes it more deterministic.
  5. Are there any limitations to prompt engineering?
    Yes, overly complex or ambiguous prompts might not yield satisfactory results. Also, the model’s inherent biases or limitations can affect the outcome, irrespective of the prompt’s quality.

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