Dive into Prompt Engineering & Sequential Prompting: A Beginner’s Experience

My Journey into Prompt Engineering When I first began exploring language models, I assumed it was as simple as posing a question and waiting for an answer. To my surprise, the initial results were hit or miss. Sometimes I would get insightful responses, while other times the model seemed to completely miss the mark. Understanding … Read more

FastAPI, Uvicorn, and ASGI: The Trio Powering Modern Web Apps

What is ASGI? ASGI, which stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface, is a specification between web servers and Python web applications or frameworks. It acts as an evolution of WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) and is designed to support asynchronous features like WebSockets and HTTP/2. This asynchronous nature allows for improved performance and concurrency. ASGI … Read more

Bayesian Problem Solving in Machine Learning Engineering

Introduction to Bayesian Method The Bayesian approach is a probabilistic method of statistical inference, contrasting with the frequentist approach. At its core, Bayesian thinking involves updating the probability estimate for a hypothesis as more evidence or data becomes available. It combines prior beliefs (prior probabilities) with observed data (likelihood) to get posterior probabilities. Bayesian Inference … Read more

The Role of Feature Stores in Efficient ML Pipelines

What is a Feature Store? At its core, a feature store is a systematized repository specifically tailored for machine learning (ML) features. Features, which are derived or raw data attributes, play a crucial role in the ML model training process. A feature store centralizes the management, storage, and retrieval of these features, ensuring they’re consistently … Read more

Understanding Prompt Engineering

Introduction to Prompts At the heart of many advanced AI models, particularly language models, lies the concept of prompts. In this context, a prompt is an input query or statement that is provided to the model, guiding it to produce a desired output. For instance, when you ask an AI chatbot a question, that question … Read more